charcoal at home? not to difficult to make

charcoal at home? not to difficult to make

You really can make your own charcoal at home – even if you live in the suburbs! If you use the indirect method, which burns the gasses, and use a clean burning fuel (such as natural or LP gas) the emissions are mostly water vapor with very little smoke. It is not difficult to do and, even when burning waste wood to provide the carbonizing heat, the process requires less time and attention than barbecuing a rack of ribs in a wood burning smoker.

Why would anyone want to make their own charcoal? For one thing, good hardwood lump burns hotter and cleaner (but faster) than briquettes and is much easier to light. You also know where it came from, what it contains and what was done to it en route. There are endeavors other than barbecue which require high quality natural charcoal: It is still the preferred fuel for forges and blacksmithing. Folks who make their own fireworks and black powder need specialty charcoals with specific burning properties such as that made from willow or grapevine.When grilling or even barbecuing in most pits with charcoal and wood, the quality of the charcoal is really not that critical.

There is enough airflow to dilute impurities. Now that I have a Weber Smoky Mountain, (WSM) though, charcoal quality, impurities and additives become very important. It is a great little cooker and will do everything folks say it will, BUT there is precious little airflow and the meat is bathed in smoke for hours. What you burn, you eat! I have read how briquettes are made by the major manufacturers. That leaves me either burning to coals, which is impractical for the small amount of coals needed by the WSM, or making my own lump, which is just a way to burn to coals and store them for use as needed. Being somewhat of a skinflint, I would rather utilize the resources at hand and make my own lump as opposed to buying it. My objective in this endeavor was to use existing technology to design a simple, cheap, reliable and efficient method for the small scale production of charcoal for home use utilizing readily available materials and minimizing the release of pollutants.

How to make Charcoal:

Timing is important. Plan to start your burn on the hottest, muggiest day of the year with a comfort index of at least 105 and air quality just above the minimum to sustain life. These conditions won’t affect the charcoal process at all but will ensure that the experience is memorable. There are two basic methods of making charcoal: direct and indirect:

  • The direct method uses heat from the incomplete combustion of the organic matter which is to become charcoal. The rate of combustion is controlled by regulating the amount of oxygen allowed into the burn and is stopped by excluding oxygen before the charcoal itself begins to burn. This is the ages old method used by colliers to make charcoal in a pit, pile (clamp) or, more recently, in metal or masonry chambers (kilns). See the links below for more information.
  • The indirect method uses an external heat source to “cook” organic matter contained in a closed but vented airless chamber (retort). This is usually carried out in a metal or masonry chamber (furnace). The indirect method results in a higher yield of high quality charcoal with less smoke and pollutants and requires less skill and attention than the direct method.
4 Practical Steps to A Success: Business Prospect of Coconut Charcoal Briquettes

4 Practical Steps to A Success: Business Prospect of Coconut Charcoal Briquettes

The fact that the barbecue culture is the core value in the population of western hemisphere leads to the high demand for coconut charcoal briquettes. Speaking of prospective business in the global level, the darkish materials comprised of pure carbon are earnestly lucrative. Nonetheless, a business still requires a thoughtful and scrupulous plan to start.

  1. Decide the Clear Target Market of Yours

The early phase of pursuing the favorable outcome is to fit your manufactured items with your apparent target market. For instance, the production of coconut charcoal briquettes is provided for waterpipe smoking like shisha hookah.  In terms of satiating your future customer, it is vital that you also specify the segment you are taking care of.

  1. Make Your Brand Special

Branding is arguably a central element to gain your success in this propitious business.  That’s to let your products out of the ordinary. When it comes to developing a trade name, bear in mind that the one that is attention-grabbing and easy to remember must be totally different from the rests.

  1. Mind the Packaging

Besides retaining the quality of the briquettes, another tricky way to gain the public attention is thinking over the packaging. Not only is the design of the cover catchy and brilliant but it should describe an understandable company’s slogan. Be sure to include the details telling that the products go with a heating purpose for shisha/barbecue.

  1. Build the Vast Networks

In order to be widely accepted in the market of shisha hookah or barbecue across the globe, it is essential to establish the distribution channel.  Relying on the famed world’s retail chains also brings many benefits to your business.

Ahead of running a business in the field of coconut charcoal briquettes, there is no better way other than going for careful planning.

If you need assistance in regard to this, simply reach out nudira – we are an Indonesian company providing only the best quality of products. For more information, you could discuss it with us by clicking the WhatsApp button on the right side of the page.



People often associate charcoal as something harmful especially when it comes to its usage related to grilling activities and else. Some additives added to the charcoal are the culprits that are often avoided. A little different from the regular charcoal, coconut charcoal is considered a safer option. Made from coconut shells and other substances like charcoal dust, sawdust, or wood, the coconut charcoal comes in handy for some these following purposes.

1. Coconut Charcoal for Barbecue

When it comes to barbecue, it is important to always choose charcoal that is food grade and safe for consuming. The use of coconut shells allows the coals to produce less smoke and ashes; makes it a friendly choice to the environment. Besides, it has this quality to save energy especially when it comes to the stable heat it can provide. Such cube briquette with 40mm x 30mm x 25 mm dimension for example can provide a long burning up to 145 minutes with average temperature ranging between 100 to 250 degrees Celsius. You can find a recommended coconut charcoal for barbecue by clicking here.

2. Coconut Charcoal for Shisha

Different from coconut charcoal for barbeque, coconut charcoal for shisha should be harder in density and can be easily ignited. The hardness of the shisha briquettes should allow you to hold it with tong without any risk of breaking it. An easy test to find out about this quality includes pressing the briquette using your heels. If it remains solid then you are good to go.

It should also be kept in mind that the shisha charcoal has less smell and doesn’t affect the shisha’s taste.  The barely-there odor quality along with a good ratio of smokiness will allow a good shisha moment. Lastly, if you are looking for shisha briquettes, it is highly suggested that you look at the label of its ash characteristic. The good shisha briquettes should produce less than 6% of ashes. If you are interested in trying out shisha, you can check some cube briquettes here.