Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture and is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only or in an inert medium, such as perlite, gravel, biochar, mineral wool, expanded clay pebbles or coconut husk.

If you have a desire to start farming in a hydroponic way, it’s good to first identify the best variety of hydroponic growing media. By knowing earlier, of course you can easily determine and menyesukaikan media planting in accordance with your budget. Here we will mention what are the names of hydroponic planting mediums that are used for hydroponics.


It’s a kind of volcanic glass (composed chiefly of silica) that has been super-heated until it explodes. Perlite is mixed into potting soil, but it also works alone as a soilless medium in h hydroponic system. Perlite pulls moisture from reservoirs and gradually disperses it to plant roots. It’s naturally sterile, helping to protect your plants from diseases. But tiny little grains of perlite tend to wash away when the growing system is flushed. Perlite dust also can irritate your lungs, so it’s best to wear a mask when working with it. Branded bags of perlite may have added fertilier – stickm with pure perlite so you keep control of your plants nutrient levels.

<picture 1. Perlite>


Fiber gathered from cocnut huks (a by product of processing the fruits for food) is formed into large blocks, smaller bricks or planter pots. It’s sometimes labeled as “cocopeat” or “coco –coir”. Coir holds as much as 10 times its weight in water. Like a sponge, choir holds moisture and slowly releases it. It is biodegeradable, so you can dispose of it in your compost pile. Coir is a low-cost option that’s available wherever garden supplies are sold. But, Choir’s moistures retention advantage can be a drawback in reservoir systems because it can stay constantly wet, creating conditions hospitable to fungus around your plants. The fine particles are hard to keep out of reservoirs.



Basalt rock and chalk are melted at a very high temperature and then spun into fibers. Originally designed for use as insulation, Rock Wool is now formed into various size of cubes, typically with convenirnt planting holes in the center. 98% of the nutrient solution applied to Rock Wool is available to the plant. The open pore structure leaves room for growth. Rock Wool does not leach minerals into your nutrient solution. Rock Wool must be sterilized before each successive use (and it eventually loses its structure) and its not biodegradable. It has a higher pH than other media. Remember to watch the pH carefully and be prepared to bring it down into the range best suited for hydroponic growing with phosphoric or citric acid.

<picture 3. Rock Wool>


Lightweight Expanded Clyah Aggregate is clay that’s been pelletized and fired in klins until it expands into small, orange – red balls. They’re often called “grow rocks”. The super – absorbent pellets quickly suck up and hold excess moisture. Their round shape is sturdy and gentle on plant’s roots. They have a neutral pH and leach no minerals into the nutrient solution. Grow rocks are reusable, if you take the time to clean them thoroughhly between each growth cycle. But, as the pellets age, they break down and the clay can clog pumps and emitters. You can order bags of the pellets online, but they’re not found in every local garden center. And they’re more costly than perlite or coir

<picture 4. Clay Pellets>