Kegiatan Alternatif Menunggu Buka Puasa

Bulan Ramadhan menjadi bulan yang sangat dinanti oleh kaum muslim, karena penuh dengan keistimewaan dan suasana kebersamaan yang sudah melekat pada budaya masyarakat—contohnya; sedang menunggu buka puasa (ngabuburit) biasanya mencari takjil atau sekadar jalan-jalan santai di dekat rumah.

Supaya kegiatanya tidak hanya itu-itu saja kalian bisa mencoba alternatif lain, salah satunya Budidaya Hidroponik, tidak perlu menggunakan sistem yang mengeluarkan uang banyak, cukup memakai peralatan bekas yang ada.

Sistem Wick paling mudah diantara sistem lainnya, cara kerjanya yang pasif (tidak bergerak) dengan memakai sumbu yang menyerap air sebagai pemyambung nutrisi dari wadah penampungan. Bahan atau alat yang digunakan antara lain Botol Bekas, Gunting, Kain flanel, Bibit Sayuran, rockwool, Air, dan Nutrisi AB Mix.

Masa Panen sesuai jenis tanaman yang di budidayakan, ada yang di hari ke 25, 40, 50, bahkan 90. Keuntunganya kalian tidak perlu menyediakan lahan yang besar, ditambah kuantitas serta kualitas produksi lebih baik, dan yang paling penting minim dari hama.


Oleh: MDR
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Indonesia’s ability to export essential oils is inversely proportional to the ability to produce downstream products such as perfume and cosmetics. As a result, Indonesia produces essential oil which imports a lot of finished products from processed essential oils. Perfume is one of the important body care needs for someone. However, if asked what is essential oil, maybe not everyone knows it.

Perfume and essential oils have strong links.

Essential oils such as patchouli oil can function as an important binding agent for perfume making. Essential oils or essential oils or also often called aromatic oils are not as popular as finished products.
This “perfume seed” is extracted from plant parts such as leaves, fruit, seeds, flowers, roots, rhizomes, bark, even all parts of the plant. In addition to perfume, essential oils are also raw materials for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals / medicines, and the food and beverage industry. Essential oils are produced by 160-200 various aromatic plants, some available in Indonesia.
It is estimated that there are 12 types of Indonesian essential oils exported to the international market from 80 essential oils in the world. The types of essential oils exported include patchouli oil, fragrant lemongrass, fragrant roots, cananga, ginger, and nutmeg.
Patchouli oil becomes a star for Indonesia’s essential oil export exports. Indonesia supplies around 85 to 90 percent of the global patchouli oil market volume of 2,000 tons per year. Patchouli oil production is dominated in Java and Sumatra, but in recent years it has begun to shift to Sulawesi. Sulawesi produces around 80 percent of Indonesia’s patchouli oil. Part of the export is still in the form of unprocessed oil into downstream products.
The export value of essential oils is one of the main sources of foreign exchange for Indonesia. In the list of 10 potential commodities from the Ministry of Trade, the export value of essential oils and fragrance cosmetics was around $ 580 million to $ 637 million during the period 2011 to 2015. The main export destinations among the United States and Europe. Unfortunately, the downstream industry in the country has not been able to maximize this great potential. The proof, the import value of essential oils and fragrance cosmetics is always greater than the export value of essential oils, with import values ​​in the range of $ 750 million to $ 1.1 billion from the period 2011 to 2015. In 2015, Indonesia had to import $ 962 million, but the export value of these commodities only $ 637 million.
This fact is further confirmed by the absence of a list of Indonesian fragrance cosmetics producers which are included in the top 10 lists of world companies engaged in flavoring and fragrances. For the record, according to data processed by Statista, the top position on the list is Givaudan based in Switzerland.

In 2014, Givaudan was able to record sales of $ 4.82 billion. In the second position there is Firmenich which is also based in Switzerland with a sales record of $ 3.38 billion. The company is working with famous perfume brands to produce perfumes such as Boss Bottled by Hugo Boss and Romance by Ralph Raulen. Third place is International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (IFF) based in the US with sales of $ 3 billion.
Tantalizing figures from world perfume producers, this proves that the downstream industry that processes essential oil fragrance raw materials is not negotiable anymore. Unfortunately the domestic industry is still limited to exporting essential oils that have not been processed as finished products.
In Indonesia, there are indeed a number of large producers who are involved in the fragrance industry, including Kinocare Era Kosmetindo and Mandom Indonesia. Kinocare produces products such as Eskulin, while Mandom is famous for its products such as Gatsby, Spalding, and Pucelle. In 2015, Mandom recorded sales of Rp 2.3 trillion. While Kinocare recorded sales of Rp 3.6 trillion. This value is very far when compared to Givaudan or Firmenich who focus on perfume products. This global producer is able to reap the money from the global fragrance market. According to a survey conducted by Leffingwell & Associates, the global flavor and fragrance market is valued at $ 24.1 billion in 2015, and Southeast Asia accounts for 10 percent.

Seeing the reality of the fragrance and perfume market, it is unfortunate if Indonesia is only an exporter of essential oils. Downstream industries including essential oils are unfinished homework. If left unchecked, Indonesia is only a consumer country of downstream fragrance products. A chronic irony.


Let’s try … to start an export business, our Nudira Sumber Daya Indonesia tries to help you to understand how to get involved in exports, we will also share tips for you to easily run your export business. and we also  providing the high quality essential oil from indonesia that ready to export overseas.


Fresh fish 

is always better than frozen, right? Actually, that may not always be true.

We often hear the debate about fresh vs. frozenfish which is healthier, better for the life, and its effect on taste/quality. Go local, eat organic, buy fresh. Those food quotes continue to make waves among environtmentally conscious consumer. But, as is often the case in these climate, conscious times if the motivation is to truly make our diets more earth-friendly, then perhaps we need a quotes: buy frozen! (Ecotrust).

Although it might seem that fresh fish would a healthier choice than frozen, the truth is that both fresh and frozen fish can be healthy choices, as long as you store and prepare them properly. The freshness of the fish, along with how it was frozen and how quickly it was frozen, can impact its taste and texture, as well as its bacterial content.

Here are the benefit when you are buying fresh fish or frozen fish.

The quality and nutritional value of fresh fish begins to deteriorate after harvest. << NUTRITION >> Modern freezing method retain quality and nutritional benefits annd seal in fresh flavor until you’re ready to cook.
Most fresh fish is transported by plane to reach consumers. Air travel emits much CO2 than other forms of travel. << ECO IMPACT >> Frozen fish is most commonly shipped by sea or truck, methods that reduce CO2 emissions up to 90% as compared to airfreight.
Due to highly perishable nature of seafood, as much as 30% of product is thrown away before being consumed. << WASTE >> By pulling from the freezer exactly the amount needed, when it is needed, cheefs and cooks reduce waste.
Unless you live within 50 miles of a shoroline, you are unlikely to be able to eat a variety of fish throughout the year. << VARIETY >> With frozen fish, you’re never resctricted to just what’s available fresh today – you have the most variety year round.


So, Do not hesitate to eat fish!

4 Benefits of Patchouli for Your Beauty

Patchouli has been known to have qualities that could benefit our health. Not only does it act as an antidepressant or antiseptic, it also has this amazing ability to enhance our beauty. Presented to you are the benefits of patchouli for your skin, body, and hair.

1. Help Your Skin Look Healthy

One of the advantages of essential oils is helping you tackle dryness and dullness of your skin. Dilute patchouli oil or patchouli powder to your skincare product will help moisturize your skin and make it look more supple and smooth. Having a bottle or two of this essential oil is surely a key to your radiant skin. Click here to get yourself a bottle.

2. Correct Wrinkles and Fine Lines

We may embrace the wisdom of getting older day by day. Yet, having a fresh and youthful looking skin will surely bring smile to your face. If you strive for a glowing and younger looking skin with less wrinkles and fine lines, you may start incorporate patchouli oil to your skin regimen. The oil’s ability to tone and tighten the skin is your ticket to slow down the aging process and get rejuvenated.

3. Treat Oily Hair

Having oily hair sometimes can cause you with headache. The overproduction of sebum keeps you from having a great looking hair. Instead, it often gives such slimy and greasy sensation that is far from sexy. Consider diluting few drops of patchouli oil to your hair products to control the production of oil. Do it regularly and you’ll get such lustrous and oil free hair you always dream of having.

4. Strengthen Thinning Hair

Thinning hair is a major concern for some men and women. Providing your hair roots with the goodness of patchouli oil will help you get stronger and healthier locks. Remember, patchouli is one of the natural remedies. Hence, such an immediate result will not likely to happen. Still, if you do it regularly while maintaining a good diet, will help you get the result you want.