Pecah Telur! Perdana Cabai Indonesia Masuk ke Pasar Jepang

Pecah Telur! Perdana Cabai Indonesia Masuk ke Pasar Jepang

Tepat pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2022 kemarin di Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia, cabai Indonesia perdana masuk ke pasar ekspor yaitu Jepang, pasar dengan syarat paling ketat di dunia. Cabai tersebut merupakan cabai yang ditanam dengan metode hidroponik dan diproduksi di dalam greenhouse di pesantren peserta Program Juara Ekspor. Setelah melewati proses yang panjang akhirnya dilakukanlah trial shipment ke Jepang oleh Nudira.

Pengiriman cabai itu sendiri harus dilakukan dalam keadaan frozen yaitu dengan suhu -18° c. Pengiriman frozen dilakukan menggunakan styrofoam dan dry ice yang dimasukkan ke dalam kontainer standar. Dry Ice yang diperlukan sebanyak 30 kg. Penyewaan cold storage dari Warehouse Bandara Soekarno Hatta pun dilakukan karena dapat sangat membantu untuk menjaga produk tetap frozen.

Dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan dalam pengiriman cabai tersebut diantaranya Invoice, Packing List, Ingredients, Flow Chart, dan Certificate of Origin (COO). Selanjutnya, cabai diberangkatkan ke Kantor Karantina Bogor dan segera dibawa ke bandara setelah dokumen karantina terbit. Inspeksi yang dilakukan di bandara pun cukup dilakukan di tempat parkir.

Selanjutnya cabai di letakkan di bandara terminal kargo dan dilakukan serah terima dengan penanggung jawab operasional untuk selanjutnya dilakukan perjalanan ke Warehouse Bandara Haneda Tokyo sampai ke Warehouse Importir Jepang.

Jenis-jenis cabai yang dieskpor ke Jepang diantaranya Mix Super Hot Chilli, Red Hot Chilli, Super Green Hot Chilli, dan Big Red Chilli Pepper.

Nudira pun sangat berterima kasih kepada DEKS BI dan IPB atas segala supportnya.

Oleh: Luthfiyatul Azizah
Rabu, 28 September 2022

Do You Know the Amazing Benefits of Eating Hydroponic Foods?

Do You Know the Amazing Benefits of Eating Hydroponic Foods?

As the vegan trend mounts up in the recent decade, some populations on the planet drastically change their diets.  This universal phenomenon has urged the farming industry to supply a prodigious stock of fresh greens grown hydroponically.

Generally speaking, the hydroponic vegetable is carefully cultivated in a watery non-soil medium full of nutrient. The advanced-style alternative comes with a range of benefits great for your well-being specifically when you consume it on a daily basis.

1. Good to Manage Your Weight

One of the eminent advantages of eating hydroponic foods is providing you an ample chance to organize your weight. As this edible material is found to be low in carbs and high in fiber content, it helps you lose your body heaviness significantly. The plant-based nutrient incredibly features a quality so-called appetite-suppressant. By it, you can keep the unhealthy snacking away.

2. Perfect for Recovery Diets

Hydroponic vegetable ranging from good-looking cherry tomato to succulent lettuce has a wonderful capability to speed up the recovery process. The sick individuals will feel energized and recharged once they feed their weak soul case with a glass of refreshing veggie-blend juice. The nutrients and minerals like essential vitamins, magnesium, and folic acid are behind the soundness improvement.


3. It Helps Reducing the Risk of Serious Diseases

If you never leave out the healthy habit like dining a plate of rabbit food teeming with fresh chopped cherry tomato and sliced lettuce from the hydroponic garden, we guarantee that you will let the chronic diseases including the deadly heart attack, stroke, and diabetes go away from you.

It turns out that eating the tasty hydroponic foods, is beneficial not only maintaining your health but also downing the risk of threatening illness. Are you ready to start your new day with this healthy diets, folks?

Do you want to find more? Be sure to keep getting hold to nudira – we are an Indonesian company providing only the best quality of products. For more information, you could discuss it with us by clicking the WhatsApp button on the right side of the page.


Fruit is one of the most natural foods we can eat and it is full of health benefits. Here are just some of the 9 ways, demonstrating why fruit will make you a better person after eating today.

  1. Fruit Active Your Brain

Once you consume fruit, the natural sugars stimulate your brain to recall information quicker and easier than before.

  1. Fruits Hydrate You

Just like us, fruit is made up to of 70 – 80 % water, so it is logical for us to eat food that contains as much water as we doo. No other food in this planet matches thate average of 80% watr.

  1. Fruit Is 100% Bad-Cholesterol Free

Meat and dairy contain high amounts of bad – cholesterol whereas fruit is bad cholesterol free.

  1. Fruit Makes You Feel Good

Folate, also known as B9 or folic acid help to support seretonin (the happinness chemical) production. The more you eat the better you’ll feel. There are numerous innuendos that can be had with fruit. Laughter triggers an endorphin rush wich gives you that feel – good feeling. So more J please !

  1. Fruit Boots the Immune System

The Vitamin A in fruit helps to boost your body’s deenses by identifying pathogents an expelling them from your body.

  1. Fruit Fights Infection

Vitamin C helps to protect the cells in your body and keep them fighting fit toward of any evil harmful bacteria or viruses.

  1. Fruit Heals a Broken Heart

A literal broken heart can be caused by heart dissease. Each portion of fruit you much descreases that risk to you by a whopping 7%.

  1. Fruit for Living Longer

Indonesians spend the most money on treating diseases caused by obesity in Southeast Asia last year, a report by a public-private organization showed. Fruits make you so health and living longer. If everyone eats the recommended five a day, this number would be halved. So, don’t let us lose you early!

  1. Fruit isn’t Expensive

People often cite their lack of fruit snaffling on the cost to their wallet. Next time you visit a shop or supermarket, double check how much that pack of biscuits cost you compared to one apple. Cheaper is not ?

So, let’s be a healthy person by eating fruit every day!