Fresh fish 

is always better than frozen, right? Actually, that may not always be true.

We often hear the debate about fresh vs. frozenfish which is healthier, better for the life, and its effect on taste/quality. Go local, eat organic, buy fresh. Those food quotes continue to make waves among environtmentally conscious consumer. But, as is often the case in these climate, conscious times if the motivation is to truly make our diets more earth-friendly, then perhaps we need a quotes: buy frozen! (Ecotrust).

Although it might seem that fresh fish would a healthier choice than frozen, the truth is that both fresh and frozen fish can be healthy choices, as long as you store and prepare them properly. The freshness of the fish, along with how it was frozen and how quickly it was frozen, can impact its taste and texture, as well as its bacterial content.

Here are the benefit when you are buying fresh fish or frozen fish.

The quality and nutritional value of fresh fish begins to deteriorate after harvest. << NUTRITION >> Modern freezing method retain quality and nutritional benefits annd seal in fresh flavor until you’re ready to cook.
Most fresh fish is transported by plane to reach consumers. Air travel emits much CO2 than other forms of travel. << ECO IMPACT >> Frozen fish is most commonly shipped by sea or truck, methods that reduce CO2 emissions up to 90% as compared to airfreight.
Due to highly perishable nature of seafood, as much as 30% of product is thrown away before being consumed. << WASTE >> By pulling from the freezer exactly the amount needed, when it is needed, cheefs and cooks reduce waste.
Unless you live within 50 miles of a shoroline, you are unlikely to be able to eat a variety of fish throughout the year. << VARIETY >> With frozen fish, you’re never resctricted to just what’s available fresh today – you have the most variety year round.


So, Do not hesitate to eat fish!